Sovereign Cloud Stack

One platform — standardized, built and operated by many.

Own Announcements

Sovereign Cloud Stack
March 20, 2024

SCS Release 6 published

Kurt Garloff, Marius Feldmann
November 27, 2023

Collaboration on Cloud Standards

Sovereign Cloud Stack
September 20, 2023

SCS R5 released


Community Blog

Kurt Garloff, Christian Berendt
July 23, 2024

SCS Security Advisory on incomplete QCOW2 and VMDK image handling protections (CVE-2024-40767)

Jan Horstmann
July 12, 2024

Mechanism to provide node local storage in the OpenStack block storage service

Felix Kronlage-Dammers
July 12, 2024

OSISM 7.1.0 released


Conference Contributions (English)

2024 OCP Regional Summit
Open Networking in the Sovereign Cloud Stack Project

— Marc Schöchlin

April 24, 2024 Slides
Open Operations Meetup
Cloud Interconnect

— Angel Kafazov, Bozhidar Ignatov

April 22, 2024 Slides

Conference Contributions (German)

DFN Webinar
Vorstellung SCS Projekt

— Kurt Garloff

May 23, 2024
SCS Summit 2024
Die Zukunft von SCS

— Peter Ganten, Kurt Garloff, Felix Kronlage-Dammers

May 14, 2024 Slides
SCS Summit 2024
openDesk auf SCS - ein digital souveräner Arbeitsplatz für die öffentliche Verwaltung

— Andreas Reckert-Lodde, Interims-Geschäftsführer ZenDiS

May 14, 2024 Slides