Sovereign Cloud Stack

One platform — standardized, built and operated by many.

23 Technologies is a global first team working to bring cloud native technologies to the industry. We are actively working on Gaia-X, Catena-X, Structura-X, and are committed to a data-sovereign Europe, sustainable IT solutions and open-source software development. Our solutions are completely modular and can be used independently of each other. Only without inflexible integration is it really possible to avoid vendor lock-ins. Within the scope of the research & development project SDM4FZI (Software-defined Manufacturing für die Fahrzeug- und Zulieferindustrie) we work on highly versatile production systems with simultaneous control of complexity through virtualization and containerization.


We offer Kubernetes installations based on the approach developed as part of the SCS project.


We offer Kubernetes installation & implementation training for the approach developed as part of the SCS project.


We support Kubernetes installations based on the approach developed as part of the SCS project.


We operate Kubernetes installations based on the approach developed as part of the SCS project.


We help to build large scale Managed Kubernetes offerings based on the approach developed as part of the SCS project.


Since we build on open source components, we also actively participate in their continued development.