Sovereign Cloud Stack

One platform — standardized, built and operated by many.

SCS Central API - Technical Preview Released

Joshua Mühlfort, Oliver Kautz, Malte Münch, Dominik Pataky August 13, 2024

The SCS Central API is available as a Technical Preview now

As of now, numerous cloud offerings are available. There are the large hyperscalers like GCP, AWS, or Azure and also smaller Cloud Service Providers. Each of them offer a unique collection of services built on different technologies. Some technologies are proprietary, others are open source. How to choose the right cloud for the project to build? What are the important key features a cloud offering should provide? There are many dimensions to look at, like pricing, data protection and sovereignty, security, along with many other. But there is one aspect that is especially important for the engineers to use a cloud, which is the user experience.

In order to work efficiently with a cloud, especially on a public cloud (but not limited to it), DevOps and cloud engineers need to be able to provision and manage cloud resources in an easy way and via self service. Usually, this is done by some kind of WebUI like a Portal or via API Calls to the Cloud Provider backend. Those APIs are typically used by CLI tools either native to the cloud like Azure-CLI on Azure or Hetzners hcloud CLI or Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like OpenTofu or Ansible.

The Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS) strives to enable building clouds that can offer Infrastructure (OpenStack), Identity and Access Management (Keycloak) and Kubernetes (Cluster API/Cluster Stacks). All those tools are well tested, but DevOps Teams need to utilize several APIs to use them all. There is the OpenStack API for managing networks, virtual machines, and other infrastructure resources. Ideally, tenants can manage e. g. Users, User-Federation via Keycloak specific APIs. Finally, with some management setup that the CSP’s have to supplement themselves, Kubernetes Clusters can be managed via Cluster API resources (backed by ClusterClasses generated by ClusterStacks) in a Kubernetes API. We see that we need to leverage at least three different APIs with different methods of Authorization and Authentication, using different tooling. Other cloud platforms use a unified API with a unified Authentication and Authorization approach to use all their resources. This is the usability issue, that the SCS Central API approach wants to solve.

What is the SCS Central API

We wanted to build a common interface for cloud end users to manage their infrastructure centrally with one API. This is a huge task when compared to already existing solutions from other clouds. As we face multiple complex APIs we need to unify, like OpenStack and Keycloak, abstracting everything would be a challenging task. We identified several problems we need to solve which a basically: Authentication, Authorization, Multi-Tenancy, and the notion of resources. The first two, we already mentioned before. Multi-Tenancy is of utmost importance as a single Central API Instance should be available to all users of a cloud and a tenant should not interfere with resources of another tenant in any way. The notion of resources is the last important issue as the user experience should be uniform and requests to the Central API should feel the same regardless of deploying a VM or creating a Kubernetes Cluster. We discussed several approaches on how to build such an interface.

  1. Building a Restful API with a Web Framework
  2. Extending the OpenStack API with a custom OpenStack Driver
  3. Building ontop of the Kubernetes API

Building a Central API as a new Restful API would offer most freedom on designing the API. The problem would be that we would reinventing some wheels along the way as all aspects need to be created. In the SCS Project, we strive to use upstream components and strengthen them by not only using their work, but to contribute and upstream our work to make it available for others to use. Creating a new service would contradict this approach and would lead to a huge effort creating the resource definitions, implementing Authorization and Authorization. Building an own Multi-Tenancy approach would also be complicated as this would be security relevant and needed to be audited.

Using the OpenStack API as the chosen standard would be a viable approach to manage Kubernetes Clusters and other resources as projects like Magnum show. The SCS Project’s technological vision does not see OpenStack as the primary service and we want to avoid vendor lock-ins as far as possible. So this approach was also dismissed.

The third approach is using the Kubernetes API as the Central API. This would solve some issues right from the start as already existing concepts of Kubernetes could be used off the shelf, like Authentication and Authorization with Kubernetes RBAC. Using Kubernetes also gives us a huge and generic ecosystem. The Kubernetes API comes with an built-in notion of resources. Resources have a Kind, Metadata and a Spec and can be defined as Custom Resources. Multi-Tenancy can be achived by using Namespaces. Together with using the Kubernetes API we choose to also leverage Crossplane, which is a Platform Engineering tool. It is used to provision cloud resources by using Kubernetes native resources. The Platform Team creates so called Crossplane Resource Definitions (XRDs) which creates Compositions and Claims. Compositions are templated mananged resources, which are in turn Kubernetes resources describing real cloud resources outside of the Kubernetes Cluster. Those resources are cluster scoped. Claims on the other hand are namespaced and are used by a team, or in our case a tenant, to manage their cloud resources. This way, tenant resources are isolated and multi-tenancy is achieved.

The following tables summerizes the different aproaches and efforts.

Resource Models/Patterns API Backend AuthN AuthZ Multi-tenancy
Selfdefined API’s Selfmade REST server Selfmade Selfmade Selfmade
OpenStack API’s Selfmade REST server? Keystone Integration? Keystone Integration? Keystone Integration?
Kubernetes/Crossplane API Kubernetes apiserver Kubernetes apiserver AuthN Kubernetes RBAC Crossplane namespacing
Resource Models/Patterns Amount of base work Amount of work per resource Ease of adoption / ecosystem Scalability
Selfdefined API’s Unknown, depends on tech stack Unknown (Maybe Low if utilizing fog/…) No ecosystem Good, depending on architecture
OpenStack API’s Unknown Unknown (Maybe Low if utilizing fog/…) Good for existing API’s, bad for others Good, probably
Kubernetes/Crossplane API Low, utilizing existing concepts Low due to existing Crossplane providers Great, due to huge, generic ecosystem for any resource Alright (scale with namespaces or clusters)

What is the current status of the Central API

As of now, we build a first technical preview that is capable of managing OpenStack Resources as well as creating Kubernetes Clusters with ClusterStacks as well as Gardener. For OpenStack resources we used the upstream OpenStack Crossplane Provider as it gives us control over a numerous amount of OpenStack resources. These are not feature complete but resources a user commonly would use are present and usable. A Cloud Service Provider needs to set up the the OpenStack credentials for a tenant namespace. The SCS XRD’s are mirrored from the OpenStack Provider and are already bundled as a Crossplane package to be used.

For managing Kubernetes Clusters, we created a very simple generic “Cluster” XRD. When combined with a corresponding Gardener composition, shoot resources can be applied to a Gardener Kubernetes API - using the Crossplane Kubernetes Provider. The same works for creating ClusterAPI Clusters on a Cluster API Management Cluster. Hence, a user will be able to use such a Claim to trigger the creation and deletion of such ClusterAPI Clusters. Currently, it is only possible to set the Kubernetes Version in the Claim Resource, but it proves that it is possible to have manage all those Cloud resources over a single API that is open source and leverages upstream work.

The Future of the Central API

As mentioned before, the only option for Kubernetes Clusters are currently the used Kubernetes Version along with a name. This can be extended and standardized in the future to also support other important options like Node Pools and other aspects. We are also lacking the support for managing Keycloak settings for now, but there is a Keycloak Crossplane Provider available for doing so.

Get Involved!

Now, this is a technical preview, so not all work we want to be included in our first full release is currently done.

However, we think our implementation is far along enough to be handed over to you, to experiment with it and hopefully provide us with some feedback on how we are doing. If you want to get involved, please check out our Repository and try our the SCS Central API.

About the author

Dominik Pataky
PO Security and Operations Sovereign Cloud Stack @ Open Source Business Alliance
Dominik has a background in computer science, with a specialization in networks, APIs, Linux and security. He has experience programming in Python, Go, some Rust and Java. Apart from that he is also an advocate for FOSS and open source infrastructures. His professional experience includes working in the finance sector as an information security specialist, researching a tenant-aware pod-to-pod traffic encryption layer in OpenShift and handling the implementation of regulatory compliance requirements in security-sensitive IT systems. The time as an IT freelancer provided him with a lot of insight into running a small enterprise from scratch. In the Sovereign Cloud Stack project he fills the role as the Product Owner for security and operations.